wumeifeng 发表于 2014-1-18 14:57:44


2014年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题答案Section IUse of English1. 【答案】Awhere2. 【答案】Bfades3. 【答案】Bwhile4. 【答案】Adamaging5. 【答案】Cwell-being6.【答案】Dturn7.【答案】Cworkout8.【答案】Dfunctions9.【答案】Cprocess10. 【答案】Bexcel11. 【答案】AHowever12. 【答案】Baccording to13. 【答案】Afurther14. 【答案】Dsharpness15. 【答案】Callows16. 【答案】Btrack17. 【答案】Don18. 【答案】Aconstantly19. 【答案】Dbuild20. 【答案】Deffective Section IIReading ComprehensionPart AText 121、【答案】Bencourage jobseekers’ active engagement in job seeking22、【答案】Cto register for an allowance from the government23、【答案】DA passion to ensure fairness for taxpayers24、【答案】Auneasy25、【答案】Dunemployment benefits should not be made conditionalText 226、【答案】Dthe attraction of financial rewards27、【答案】Dpursuing a bachelor’s degree in another major.28、【答案】Athe rigid bodies governing the profession29、【答案】Bbans outsiders’ involvement in the profession30、【答案】Ba problem in America’s legal profession and solutions to it.Text 331、【答案】Ba handsome reward for the researchers32、【答案】C the founders of the new rewards33、【答案】Dthe demonstration of research findings34、【答案】Btheir endurance has done justice to them.35、【答案】Dacceptable despite criticism Text 436、【答案】Acritical37、【答案】Dkeep a leading position in liberal education38【答案】Cthe application of emerging technologies39、【答案】Cbiased against classical liberal ideas40、【答案】BIlliberal Education and “The Heart of the Matter” Part B41、【答案】CHow do archaeologists know where to find what they are looking for when there is nothing visible on the surface of the ground?42、【答案】FMost archaeological sites, however, are discovered by archacologists who have set out to look for them.43、【答案】 GGround surveys allow archaeologists to pinpoint the places where digs will be successful.44、【答案】DSurveys can cover a single large settlement or entire landscapes.45、【答案】BIn another case, American archaeologists Rene and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City. Section IIITranslation46、【参考译文】这就是为什么当我们尝试用语言来描述音乐时,我们能做的只是清楚的表达对音乐的反应,却不能领会音乐的精髓。47、【参考译文】据大家所说,贝多芬是个思想自由而且有勇气的人,而且我发现勇气是理解他作品的必要因素,更不用说演奏他的作品了。48、【参考译文】贝多芬表演时习惯把音量提至顶点,然后骤然转到柔和的篇章,这是他前辈的音乐家很少有的习惯。49、【参考译文】尤其重要的是他对自由的看法,在他看来这和个人的权利和责任有关,而且还他倡导思想自由和个人言论自由。50、【参考译文】人们会将贝多芬的很多作品解释为——痛苦是难免的,但是与痛苦抗争的勇气使生活有价值。 Section IVWriting51、【参考范文】Dear Mr. President,I am a student of our university. I am writing this letter to bring forward multiple and effective suggestions to our college students about how to improve their body health.Initially, exercising, though not a student’s first priority in his/her daily life, should be stressed by all of us as well as our university, not only because it is vital to our physical health but mental health as well. Furthermore, developing a regular and healthy diet, which provides vitamins and other nutrients to our body, would, to some extent, undoubtedly benefit our body.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful and propagandas be launched among the students.                                          Yours sincerely,                                                 Li Ming52、 【参考范文】As we can see, filial piety is prevailing all through the two pictures: in the first frame, an amiable mother is supporting her little daughter while in the second frame, her daughter, who has grown up, is supporting her aged mother instead.What a happy family full of precious love! The implication conveyed in these two pictures is self-evident: we need to show our concern and respect to our parents. However, most of us fail to do this job. First of all, as our lifestyle gallops along, we are less likely to hold enough awareness on our filial piety. As young men who deem the career as the priority, they often choose to migrate with their jobs, work around the clock and rest with the work files, leaving parents in empty-nests. Besides, many people are used to substituting their care for parents with money or gifts. While it is beyond dispute that material support can improve ones’ living standards, what those aged people need most is the mental satisfaction and love from their children such as a simple call, a short being back home. It is easy to draw this conclusion that, to our parents, nothing can be better than the filial piety from children. Whenever possible, we should gather around the table for a “reunion dinner” with our parents; whether busy or not, we need to give our parents a call and tell them we are fine. Only with the sense our filial piety can our parents lead a really happy life.
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